Friday, August 31, 2007


Click here to read the News Story.

This morning on my way to work I was stopped in my tracks by the site of an entire community rallying around a local family that has lost two sons in the war in Iraq. The second is to be buried today in Clovis. Yesterday several families spent the afternoon in 100+ degree weather to tie red, white, and blue ribbons around each pole at every intersection the processional will go through. From the funeral home, to the church, to the grave site. That in and of itself is a sight to see. But on my way in I noticed an elderly woman who had clearly gotten up early and was outside in her nightgown. She was putting flags in her planters that line the street where this soldier will be driven to be laid to rest. As I drove I noticed that there were several people up and putting out flags. Along with other business and homes that had already put up their flags and ribbons in support.

I'm not exactly sure why this makes me so emotional. There is something reminiscent of 9/11 when everyone pulled together... looked to God and for a short moment in time. Relied on Him for strength and hope. It is an amazing site to see thousands of people working for the same goal... at this moment it happens to be giving honor to a young man who gave his life (along with 18 others) one day to protect us and our freedoms.

To God be the glory and honor and praise.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Marriage advice...

A while ago... like two or three years ago... I read this book that had a list of questions you should talk about before you get married. Since recently... the issues has come up... I remembered them and pulled them out to review. I realized how good they were... so I am going to post them here.

1. Socioeconomic background:
2. Intelligence:
3. Formal education:
4. Verbal Skills:
5. Expected roles for both persons within the marriage:
6. Views about power distribution withing the family:
7. Desired number of children:
8. When a family should be started:
9. Child rearing views:
10. Political philosophy:
11. Views about smoking, alcohol, & drugs:
12. Amount of involvement with in-laws:
13. Sense of humor:
14. Punctuality:
15. Dependability:
16. Desire for verbal intimacy and ability to be intimate:
17. The role of conflict and how to resolve it:
18. The way you handle anger:
19. How friendships of the opposite sex should be handled:
20. Expected amount of privacy and how it should be handled:
21. Level of ambition:
22. Life goals:
23. Attitudes about weight:
24. Religious and spiritual beliefs and preferences:
25. Amount of church involvement:
26. Family's spiritual involvement:
27. Hobbies & Interests:
28. Types of music enjoyed:
29. Energy level for physical activities:
30. Sexual drive & sexual interests:
31. Amount on income to be spent or saved:
32. How money should be allocated:
33. Amount of money to be given away and to whom:
34. Degree of risks to be taken with investments:
35. Attitudes about cleanliness:
36. Ways of handling sickness:
37. Health standards:
38. Interpersonal and social skills:
39. Amount & type of social involvement:
40. Geographical area in which to live:
41. Size & Style of house:
42. Type of furniture & decor:
43. Amount & type of travel:
44. How to spend vacations:
45. How to celebrate major holidays:
46. How much time to spend together:
47. When to go to sleep and when to get up:
48. Temperature of home:
49: Activity during meals:
50. Television programs preferred:

So this is the list...
And on this note... for the family who wants to know... (p.s. John did a really good job of asking questions to take back to Michelle and Melissa)... best job by a guy I've seen. Usually they ask questions like... "Do you like him?" and if you say yes.... that's the end of it. Anyhow... Jeff (my boyfriend) is amazing. I can't wait for all of you to meet him. He loves God, he's funny, he thinks I am amazing... which is funny to me... but wonderful, he has raised a funny, God loving son who has a good head on his shoulders. The kids all seem to like him... along with everyone who has met him so far. Impressing the kids is a big deal. They are hard to win over... especially Brandy. He's just all around a blessing and I am enjoying the adventure God has us on. So... that's it... pretty much. God is GOOD and definitely in control.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Happy Birthday John

Well, today is John's birthday... he is married to my cousin Michelle. And he is the dad of the cutest kid EVER... ATTICUS! I'm sure God is doing big things in your life and I hope God moves in big ways this year for you and your family! I love you guys!
P.S. This is the only picture I have of him.... I think he's doing the robot.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Two things...

One... Proverbs 13:12 "Hope deferred makes the heart sick. But desire fulfilled is the tree of life." I would like to hear some opinions on what this means. Is it as simple as it sounds? Does anyone have a thought, if so please leave me a comment.

Second... my new favorite artist Sara Bareilles... check her out! Or here

Monday, August 13, 2007


I thought I would say happy birthday through RUBEN! Because honestly... there's nothing like a little Ruben! And us... laughing in the background! I hope you have a great year! You are an amazing cousin and I'm so glad I'm related to you. You make me look good! I love you! MOVE TO FRESNO!!!!!!
P.S. Her birthday is August 14th, I'm posting it today so everyone can get a head start on leaving her birthday comments on her blog!

Empowering Lives International

Our Africa team made it safe and sound. If you want to keep up to date, they are going to be posting updates on the (Which I have set as a link on the right). Keep them in your prayers!

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Quote of the day

For our employees I sometimes find quotes I like and post them around the office to inspire our staff. This morning I was looking for a quote and I came upon this one by Herm Albright.

"A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort."

How funny is that???? God quickly reminded me of the verse Romans 12:20-21 20

"On the contrary:'If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head.' 21Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good."

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Ryann's Trip Photo Book!

Photo Book... ok here it is... the photo book of our trip. P.S. Some of you that read this need to come out here for a visit so we can take an adventure of our own! Love you!

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Ms. Brandy Lynne

Brandy has gotten the opportunity to go to Brazil this fall on a missions trip. She is so excited about this opportunity. She will need financial and spiritual support. For this... I thought the best place to go is those of you who love me and her! I know many of you have done missions work and know what it takes. Any support you would like to commit to would be a blessing. She is looking for financial support and more importantly 10 prayer partners who will keep her constantly in prayer as she has committed to go. You know how the devil can work when you commit to doing big things for God. I love you all! God is GOOD!

Monday, August 06, 2007

Bridal Shower

Saturday was one of Michele's Briday Showers. Mike's mom had a personal chef come and try to teach us to cook. It was funny... I think he had a little crush on Katie... who tried as hard a she could to not get stuck behind the counter.

Ah, the sisters... Michele is obviously so happy! Megan & the baby... cut a zillion tomatoes.

Ryann's California Adventure

Ryann is my cousin from Michigan who comes out every summer to have an adventure. We usually go to the coast (Montery/ Carmel area)... but this time we decided to see something different. So I took her down south. We started out with the most important item on any trip... A HUGE DIET COKE! Pretty much anything is possible from then on...

We went down to Laguna... checked out the beach and shopped a little. We are too cheap... so we left...

We climbed some trees near Balboa (which we actually went to but didn't really stop and take pictures).
For dinner we went to Downtown Disney and met Derek. Ryann got her make up done at Sephora, you know me and pirates... so we had to dress up when the opportunity presented itself. Then when we were tired... we rode the parking tram for 20 minutes or so before we walked back to the hotel. Day one... DONE!

Day two... we headed out for Santa Monica Pier to ride the rides and hang out at the beach. And yes... I did it... I went on the rides... I almost threw up... but I did it. P.S. They have the best spinny ride EVER there. Maybe better than Knott's Berry Farm.

Next... and last stop of the day was Hollywood. Mann's Chinese Theater... where all the stars are and the hand & foot prints. These are the Harry Potter people's.

So much fun!

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

God has a funny sense of timing...

Has anyone else noticed that? When things unfold in your life do you ever think... "WHAT? NOW?" He is so good and so confusing all at the same time. "Lean not on your own understanding" is so core to moving through life. Life is right now is full of anticipation, hope, adventure, and patience.

I am getting ready to take Ryann... my cousin... on a little adventure to show her some of the fun there is to have in California. Tide pools in Laguna, shopping in Huntington Beach, Dinner & Fireworks in Downtown Disney, Rides at the Santa Monica Pier, and then... to top it off... HOLLYWOOD! Which isn't really what non-Californians think it is... but it will be fun for her to see.

P.S. if you get a chance visit Alisa's myspace... she put some of her new songs on there and they are AMAZING! She writes, composes, and sings all her own music. Truly a blessing! Let's help her get famous!