Monday, June 25, 2007

Evan Almighty

We have a new opportunity through the movie Evan Almighty to meet the needs of our church family and our community.
In the movie they talk about Acts of Random Kindness (ARK).
This website is something our church has joined up with. Go here and post a skill you have. Even if it seems small (maybe your a good cook or good with computers...maybe your good with kids or you can help with home improvements or gardening...maybe you are an amazing basketball player)...whatever your skills are...list them. That way people can go on and if they have a need they can find someone to fill it. Also, if you have a can post it and our church family can go on and figure out how we can help fill it. It doesn't have to be anything elaborate... it can be a very simple need.

I think this is a really exciting idea! I am praying for it diligently. Please be in prayer also and more than that... PLEASE BE INVOLVED!

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